"Somehow you'll escape
all the waiting and staying.
You'll find the bright places
where the Boom Bands are playing."
- Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

July 21: “So there are 11 beds and 16 of us…..?” (FBT Day 5)

Thursday was a pretty early morning for all of us. We needed to be packed and heading to our next site in time to teach classes that morning. We got breakfast on the way and then stuffed ourselves into another bus. Pretty much every time we would flag down a combi someone would say “oh man, there’s no way we’ll all fit in,” and somehow we always did…..luggage and all. I posit that the concept of a clown car may have originated in some obscure Peruvian town :-P Anyway, we arrived in Poroto with time to spare. So Kelsi took us all to the campestre to drop off our luggage, where they seemed to have forgotten we were coming. After some discussion, the owners told us they would have the rooms ready by the time we got back that night. (see blog title). After that we all went over to the school in Poroto to …wait for it….do some more charlas! Sabrina and I worked together to teach about the importance of recycling and how you can actually reuse materials yourself to make things instead of just turning stuff over to recycling plants. We taught the kids how to make beads out of old magazines and then we strung them all together to make bracelets. The students really seemed to enjoy themselves, even the boys. We were a little concerned when we walked in the class with a jewelry activity planned and saw that 2/3 of the class was male, but they were great about it. Both Sabrina and I had had tough classes the day before, so it was great to have our activities go well. I also loved learning how to make the beads myself…..i might make a bracelet or two of my own when I have the time  The classes ended but we still had time before our next activity so we hung out with the kids during their break hour. It was great to just talk with the kids, instead of being worried about teaching. We went to another school in a little caseria called Mochal. This was a primaria school and we played dinamicas with the kids for about an hour. After lunch we went over to Kelsi’s health post to meet with her group of student health promoters. We divided into groups and worked with one of the kids to prepare a health charla for the following day. Kelsey and I worked with a girl named Patti and she pretty much has my vote when she decides to run for president. She’s the equivalent of a senior in the segundaria school and just basically rocks. We decided to talk about dental hygiene and hand washing….there was even a large model of teeth involved. Kelsey and I were pretty sleep deprived by this point of FBT so our planning session rapidly deteriorated into a comedy act :-P Once we started using the large teeth to talk through, Patty basically thought we were nuts. But we are, so it’s appropriate.
After the health post some of us started walking back to the campestre. We decided to cook dinner for ourselves that night, so we headed back to get started. It turned out the kitchens on in our little campestre houses had no gas for the stove or even cooking utensils for that matter ……however there was a restaurant that the owners let us use. We made banana oatmeal pancakes and veggie egg scramble. Yummy! There was even some peanut butter to smear on the pancakes! Life is sweet  It was great fun to crowd into the kitchen and cook dinner together. Since we had planned everything that afternoon we were actually done for the night so Lindsey, Richard, Amanda, Kelsey and I had a dance party. We even took things a step further by setting up our cameras to take self-timed photos of our ridiculous dancing….. wait, I mean our amazing dancing. That’s where my current facebook photo came from, in case you’re wondering. The night got even better when Sabrina and I managed to snag a double bed to share and went to bed by 11.

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