"Somehow you'll escape
all the waiting and staying.
You'll find the bright places
where the Boom Bands are playing."
- Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 6: Lest I ever forget that I have a very attentive guardian angel……

                So I had my first little battle with homesickness on Wednesday. I was busy for most of the day, so it sort of snuck up on me; but by dinner time I was just flat out sad. I talked on the phone with Mom and Dad for a while though……that goes a long way to help a heartache.
                Then Thursday morning, in between trips to the school to hand out my survey, my host sister knocked on my door to tell me there was someone at the front to speak with me. When I got to the front door, much to my surprise, I found a mail carrier. A little background at this point: There are maybe three post offices in all of Ancash, two on my side of the mountain and only one that I know of on the other. More than that, I have not been able to find three people in this town who actually think there ARE mail carriers that come to our town (or mail carriers in general….). However, this nice lady asked me to sign for two packages. Turns out that it was stuff Natalie sent to me in Lima almost two months ago! The main office in Lima found them and forwarded them to the only address they had for me at the time. I have no house number so the address written on the package was the family name, that the house is located next to the school and the name of my town……and the packages actually got to me :-P So after spending a full 24 hours missing home I suddenly had cards from Nat and Mark, Starburst, Jellie-Bellies, and pizza goldfish that weren’t even crunched up. “Oh yeah,” says the Cool-Aid man.

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