"Somehow you'll escape
all the waiting and staying.
You'll find the bright places
where the Boom Bands are playing."
- Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

June 17 & 18 OR “I’m gonna golpear you”

Friday and Saturday were pretty low key days as far as activities go. Friday morning we presented the information we gathered during our Mission Impossible project. It was fun to hear all the stories from everyone else’s day. We also played some dinamicas, which are games with some sort of educational element. They are a HUGE part of what we will be doing at our sites. Today we had to figure out how to turn over a piece of cloth while standing on it. I would like to mention that it was my idea that finally worked and our group was the only one to successfully find a solution. We also had our usual four hours of Spanish class, no day would be complete without it :-P We had a meeting with Luis, one of the training staff, to discuss the details of electing our own group leaders. Many small towns in Peru have something called a Junta Directiva; which is a governing body for the town. The town elects the members and collectively votes on the important issues in the town. Our tech trainers feel that we should have a Junta Directiva of our own, so we’re going to elect one next week. On Friday we also had our first individual meetings with our Assistant Peace Corps Director. We have a few of these chats, so they can get to know us better before making our site assignments. Friday night Jeff, Jon, Kelsey, Faith and I wandered around Ricardo Palma. This is the neighborhood next to mine so we all live within walking distance of each other.

Saturday morning I took another shower. At some point taking showers will become too unimportant to be included in my blog, but right now I still feel like I have accomplished something every time I survive that cold water :-P After breakfast I played cards with Julio Caesar for a bit. A 17 year old guy that doesn’t mind playing cards with the crazy gringa and helping her with her Spanish, so great! After cards I went to the back yard and made my first attempt at washing my clothes by hand. It was successful, but I need to sort out how to shave some time off this chore. Otherwise I might have to choose between clean clothes and doing my job ha ha ha. After washing my clothes I read in the kitchen while Sr. Julio made lunch. For those of you who are aware of my food preferences, here is another anecdote that may amuse you. My lunch was a salad of canned tuna and red onion dressed in lime juice; served over rice and potatoes of course. What’s more? I loved it! This will absolutely be a recipe I use at my site. That night my other host brother, Luis, drove me around Chosica. We stopped to look at different bridges, statues and buildings around the town. He is super nice as well and I just felt like the biggest goober because I had SO little to say. Can you imagine? Me with nothing to say? It’s both unheard of and frustrating. Good thing I’m not the first PCT in the house.

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