"Somehow you'll escape
all the waiting and staying.
You'll find the bright places
where the Boom Bands are playing."
- Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Friday, July 29, 2011

July 5 & 6: Peace Corps office and another PCV panel

Tuesday morning found me a little worse for wear. My stomach and I had a disagreement for most of the night, so I was a little concerned about getting on the combi and going to Lima. I went though and I’m glad I did, we got a lot of interesting information. In the morning some of the Spanish classes went to an archeology museum to look at the exhibits on the past cultures of Peru. Some of these cultures are from thousands of years ago. It was very cool and I would love to go back, because I, unfortunately, ended up asleep in the van once the tour was over. After the musuem we went to the Peace Corps office for a handful of meetings and two interviews. The first was with the APCD and it was another step in the site assignment process and the second was a chance for our country director, Sanjay, to get to know us better. I did my best to rally for both of these because I really just wanted to be asleep :-P After the interviews I went and slept in the infirmary with Kelsey, she has the same crappy cold, while everyone else walked over to the mall for a little while. We ended up getting home pretty late because of traffic, so I just ate a little bit more soup and went to bed. Sometimes you just need to go to bed and reset.

Wednesday morning I was feeling a lot better, so I headed off to the training center for basically an entire day of PCV panels. The different volunteer committees came to talk to us about their work and tell us about the resources they can provide for various projects. It’s fun to hear about other people’s projects and it’s always great because at the end they basically open up the floor for anything we feel like asking. That night I went to my friend Jeff’s house to use his computer…..always nice when I don’t have to pay for the internet.

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