"Somehow you'll escape
all the waiting and staying.
You'll find the bright places
where the Boom Bands are playing."
- Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

November 10: site visit…..hey there, boss lady. Oh and this is my friend Milton, he speaks quechua

               Thursday was my site visit from Lucia, the Youth Development APCD, and Evan the YD volunteer leader. I was nervous going into it, because I had organized a bunch of meeting with the leaders of my town and I just wanted it to all go well. Turns out there was no reason to be nervous. It was great to have them in site and pretty much everyone turned up to the meetings. My directora said all sorts of wonderful things to them and the kids in my class behaved really, really well. Evan, Lucia and I spent the morning walking around Mancos. I got to show off my site and they asked me all sorts of questions about what I’ve been doing. They also told me that my Spanish had gotten a lot better :-P hurray!
                That afternoon I had my English club like normal. Once again the school door was locked so we had class in my living room. Our lesson for Thursday was the body parts in English, so I got one of the students to draw a cartoon body on my little white board then they all took turns trying to name this different parts. In honor of the only boy in the class, we named him Milton :-P After English words the girls in the class started teaching me quechua words; some body parts and the numbers. Basically this consisted of them writing words down, me reading them and everyone giggling endlessly. Apparently it’s super funny to watch the gringa try to speak quechua. Fortunately I love my role as a continual source of amusement and , who knows, I might actually learn something. 

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