"Somehow you'll escape
all the waiting and staying.
You'll find the bright places
where the Boom Bands are playing."
- Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

November 19: Fortunately they like the Gypsy Kings; it’s the only Spanish music I have.

              Saturday morning I woke up and continued working on my diagnostic, I write way slower in Spanish so this paper has been more of a process that I am used to. After about an hour though Paula (the older one) knocked on the door and asked if I wanted to cook with her. So I brought my laptop into the kitchen to play music while Paula and I cooked lunch. Or more accurately, Paula and I tried to cook lunch and Fabiola kept a close eye to make sure we didn’t screw up :-) We made aji de pollo and it turned out great. I also really enjoyed spending time like that with the girls in my host family. Poco a poco I’m starting to feel like I’m building more of a relationship with my host family and its great!
                After lunch I went up to Caraz for a few hours to hang out with Jeff and Keren. We were all going cross eyed from staring at our diagnostics so a break was in order.  There’s nothing like ice cream and people watching from our balcony in Caraz to brighten up a week. 

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