"Somehow you'll escape
all the waiting and staying.
You'll find the bright places
where the Boom Bands are playing."
- Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

October 15 & 16: the corrida de bodas

                Saturday morning we had a group meeting about camp ALMA. This is a girls’ leadership camp that the PCVs in each department plan every year, where getting set to have ours here in Ancash. This year’s is going to have a “go green” theme. I’m pretty excited.
                After the meeting Kaitlyn and I went to the wedding of a lady that we both work with in site. Her name is Krus and she was a lovely bride. For a brief 15 minutes we thought we weren’t going to actually make it to the wedding though. We went to the church where we thought it was and there was another bride standing at the alter….confusing. So we went to the other big church in Huaraz, but there was no wedding there at all. We went back to the first church and finally saw someone we recognized. Turns out there was more than one wedding that day and the first one was running late…no surprise there. So we went and got snacks while we waited for the first wedding to finish :-P Kait and I went to the reception long enough to say hello to the bride and groom and participate in the toast, but then we decided to duck out early. Parties in this country have a tendency to never end, so we decided to take care of that ourselves ha ha ha.
                That night Keren, Jeff and I made dinner at the hostel. Jeff makes a pretty killer fresh tomato sauce, so we ate well. We tried to watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail after dinner, but Jeff and I only made it through about 30 minutes before falling asleep :-P
                As per usually, I went to Cali for breakfast and to work on the internet for a few hours before heading back to site. Sadly when I got back I found out that my host niece was in the hospital. She had been little sick when I left for the weekend, but clearly things had gotten worse. It’s was a little strange to get this news and then see the family showing almost no emotion. People in the Sierra are just a little more reserved than I’ve been used to. 

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